2013 was a productive and exciting year around my house staten island home renovation!
I had a blast working on the house and making it my home! In fact, SO MUCH HAPPENED or changed I can’t even fit a summary of it all into one post without exhausting myself or crashing the blog. Crazy! I tried but gave up. Not sure how I did all these posts and projects at my house, but somehow it all was completed or revealed in 2013 Staten Island home renovation. SOOOOOOOOOO….let’s just reviewing a few rooms or areas at a time with a quick summary and you can explore all the related links at your leisure, shall we?
First off, we’ll wrap up posts from the kitchen; entry and backyard in bite sized chunks. Then I’ll come back to catch up with some more updates, makeovers and projects from around other rooms in my house, plus I have about a million other things to catch you up on. You’ll find PART TWO here!
If you are new or have been away for the holidays, you may enjoy starting with this recently posted tale of my {imperfect} journey toward a dream home, complete with an honest look at the struggles along the way staten island home renovation!
Below are the highlights of my favorite projects and updates to my kitchen, entry/hall and backyard in 2013, with a few crafty moments thrown in Contractor Staten Island home renovation?